Monday, December 05, 2005

My Friends

While we were in NY I got a chance to see my friends Anna and Lisa. It was such a treat. Anna lives in Los Angeles so I don't get to see her very often. In fact, She now has a baby and this was the first time I was going to see her. We planned on going to New Jersey to see Anna where her parents now live. I kept calling it Whitestone, but they actually live near Fort Lee, just over the George Washington Bridge. Lisa had asked us to pick her up on our way there. The thing is, I have never driven in NYC. This was a big deal for me. But I mustered up all my courage, made sure I had very tight directions, packed Harrison and Cliff up in the car and headed to the big apple. Well I think I did really good driving into the city. I didn't get lost at all and felt I held my own with all of the cabs and other cars weaving in and out.

Lisa was waiting for us on the corner of 70th and West End. It was a really easy pick up. Harrison took to Lisa almost immediately. At first he was looking at her rather suspiciously but as soon as I put on the Wiggles, his toes started tapping and they bonded.

We got to Anna's about a 1/2 hour later than we wanted but we were fornature to run into Anna's brother and sister-in-law and niece in the parking lot. Her niece, Emma, is absolutely gorgeous. We then went up to the apartment to see Anna. Anna, Chris and Kate were there and so was Anna's Mom and Dad. It has been so long since I have seen her parents. I have such good memories of Anna's family. They were the ones who introduced me to Christmas. I remember one christmas in particular they were thinking of not putting up a tree and I had mentioned that I had never decorated one so they did it for me and that night Anna, her brother and I went shopping for lights and ornaments and we went to their house and decorated it. Another memory is the many times I would go over to her house and her mom would feed me Korean food. And I mean literally feed me. I would sit in their kitchen with my mouth open and she would feed me. She was an amazing cook. I particularly loved Chop Chei and this hamburger wrapped in egg dish that she made. Anna's brother and I used to fight like we were brother and sister. I really loved spending time over there.

When we got up to the apartment, Harrison wasnt' shy at all. They had some toys out that Emma was playing with so Harrison went over and was playing with the toys with Anna's dad while we all got a chance to catch up. I got to meet and hold Kate. She is absolutely delicious. Such a good baby. I bounced her around a bit too much and she spit up some of her lunch on my lap. But I was used to that so I didn't mind at all.

After about 20 minutes, we left to go out to lunch. We found and italian restaruant and had alot of fun there. Harrison was in a great mood and didn't fuss much at all. He also ate his noodles very well. Kate was also a pleasure to eat out with. We laughed and ate good food.

Boy I wish we all lived closer. I need to see these girls more often!!! It was a great visit, but definitely way too short.


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