Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Today is Harrison's Birthday

My baby tuned 2 today!!! I can't believe how fast time has flown by. This has been the most incredible 2 years of my life. He has brought so much joy, happiness and fun to our lives. Harrison is so intelligent, curious, active, pensive, analytical and cute. He has developed into an amazing little boy.

So for his birthday I made him funfetti cup cakes to bring with him to daycare. He loves cupcakes. Well, he loves the frosting on the cupcakes. He woke up in a great mood, so I hope it stays that way.

I think he is also getting his 2 yr. molars. He has been drooling alot and waking up at night wimpering, not really waking up but wimpering in his sleep and when I go to him there are all these drool spots on his bed.

Happy Birthday my little boy!


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