Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The sickness

Last Wednesday night Harrison woke up at around 10:00 pm because he had thrown up all over his bed. I always feel so bad for him when he throws up because I know he just doesn't understand what is happening to him. So we cleaned him up, changed the linens, and I sat with him for 20 minutes. He was really tired so I put him back down to sleep. But 15 minutes later it happened again but this time I heard him make some noises so I ran down and got to him before he threw up in his bed so instead he threw up all over me, and this time it was a lot! I called Cliff down to help. Cliff cleaned up Harrison while I went to clean myself up. We sat with him again for about 20 minutes and then thinking that had to be the last of it set him down to sleep again. Oh but we were so wrong. He threw up again in his bed. I wasn't quick enough this time. But it wasn't as much. He threw up only one more time after this and then it was over. I rocked him to sleep and he slept soundly all night.

I had thought he ate something that didn't agree with him because he was acting fine in the morning and never ran a fever, so I brought him to day care but told her to call me if anything changes. I called at around 11:00 to check in and found out that every kid at daycare had the same thing and that it was just Harrison and Darby there, I told her I would leave at 1:00 and come get him. As I was on my way home Carol called to tell me that Harrison had fallen asleep and I could come get him when he wakes from his nap. At 2:30 she called again to tell me that Darby had just gotten sick and Harrison was awake. I left right away and was there in about 2 minutes. Harrison came over to me and told me that "Darby threw up".

At this time I also was starting not to feel very well but not bad enough to be sick. I just stopped eating. That evening Carol called again to tell me that her and Kenny were sick and that she was closing on Friday because of it. So I stayed home on Friday. Which was a good thing because I was really not feeling well that day. I never actually got sick but I tried and felt horrible. I just layed on the couch and dozed all day.

Yes, Harrison was there with me, but he was the best kid ever! He played quietly all morning lling. I was able to get up and give him breakfast and lunch (although I almost got sick each time) and put him down for his nap. Cliff finally came home and I fell asleep on the couch for a great nap. When I woke up I felt much better.

That night Cliff was up all night throwing up and that lasted into Saturday. This virus moved fast and spread quickly.

I spent Sunday disinfecting everything and washing all of our linens to make sure it was gone.


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