Monday, January 09, 2006

Children's Museum of Manhattan

On Monday, Mom, Harrison and I met Hilary in the city. We were going to take Harrison to the Children's Museum of Manhattan. This is the first time Harrison has even been in Manhattan. There is a Wiggles song called "Central Park, New York" which I told him he would see. He seemed really excited about this.

When we got out of the car and onto the sidewalk Harrison's eyes were so wide. He couldn't believe all there was to see. He kept pointing out the Taxis. When we got to the museum he didn't know what he wanted to do first. The first floor was all about Alice in Wonderland. He put balls through shoots and watched them come out the other side. Saw a bunch of doors and and played in this glow in the dark area. On the second floor it was a Dora the Explorer exhibit. He loved this. The funniest part about this floor was this foot bridge. There were foam blocks that kids can assemble to build up the sides of the bridge, but as soon as Harrison walked up the bridge he found he could knock them down. He loved doing that and some of the kids got sad that they had to start over again.

On the third floor was the toddler area. Here he could color, paint, play with puzzles and go down a slide and climb up alot of stairs. He really liked this area. Especially when he got to the top of the stairs, he could put these balls down the pvc tubing and they would spiral down until they got to the bottom. But Harrison couldn't see where they went so he would put them in the tube then try to look in the tube to see where it would go or stick his hand in it to get the ball back. It was great watching him try to figure it out.

After the museum we went to lunch at Arties Deli and met my friend Risa. It was great to see her. Harrison was extremely tired so Lunch wasn't very relaxing. I ate my food really fast and then got up to walk him around. But I got to eat yummy food....Cheese Blintzes, Potato Kinish and a hot dog...yummmm.


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