Monday, May 01, 2006

Travel Continues

After I returned from New Orleans I spent 5 days in New York on Vacation with Harrison. Traveling with him by myself is always challenging but really fun. He is a great flyer. He knows the routine and doesn't give me too much trouble. Although I always feel bad for the person who sits informs of him because he is absolutely obsessed with playing with the tray. He lets it fall down then puts it up and then down and up. This happens almost constantly throughout the flight. He never sleeps anymore on the plane but I have found my newest savior..sticker coloring books. He really likes playing with the stickers. One of the most exciting things on the flight was that Cynthia Nixon was on our flight. There were also a bunch of high school girls all ooohing and ahhing over her. It was hysterical.

Our time in New York was great. The weather was beautiful. We celebrated Passover while we were there and met Hilary's boyfriend Mo. Harrison was a bit confused because he was expecting to meet Mo from the Doodlebops but the real Mo instantly tried to befriend Harrison and I think it worked. We went to the Long Island Children's Museum and to a park to feed the ducks. Boy did we get swarmed once the other ducks and geese and other birds saw that we had food we were throwing to them. We discovered a great playground at the duck actually had a locking gate. I loved it.

We also went and got Harrison's hair cut while we were there. Well, that didn't go so well. Harrison really tried not to cry, which was the cutest thing ever. You could just see it in his face that he was totally holding it in. But he couldn't and the tears and fighting started. I felt so bad for him. I think my mom and brother were a bit traumatized as well. I, at least, knew what to expect. We also got him 3 new pairs of shoes at this great kids shoe store. The selection there was so much better than anywhere else I have been.

We also went to Chuckie Cheese for the first time. What a great place. Harrison had a ball going on all of the rides and running around with a balloon. Surprisingly he didn't throw much of a tantrum when we tried to get him in the high chair to eat lunch. Uncle Brad also won about 700 tickets and was able to win Harrison a Super Friends Semi Truck. Harrison actually likes this...he especially likes pointing out all of the super hero's.


Blogger Midnight Show x0 said...

did you take any pictures of the doodlebops?

5:21 PM  

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