Thursday, September 08, 2005

Labor Day BBQ

On Monday we invited Ken and Shannon and Abby, and Linda, Mark and Henry over for a BBQ. Cliff made ribs on the grill and used his new grill w/ smoker box. They came out very yummy. Abby, Henry and Harrison played together very well. We gave the kids wagon rides around the yard. Played on the slide. And my favorite, was when Abby, Ken and Harrison were playing Ring around the Rosey. Harrison just loved this game. Abby got upset becasue she didn't want Harrison to play with her and her dad but Harrison would butt in and try and pry Abby's hand out of Ken's hand so he could insert himself in there. It was hysterical.

This wasn't the only time Abby and Harrison didn't get along. Harrison wanted to do and undo the buckles on Abby's stroller. Abby absolutely did not want Harrison touching her stroller at all. Well, there was no compromise, because Harrison was insistant on doing the buckles and Abby was insistent that he not do it. So we put the stroller out of site from the both of them.

My other favorite was when Harrison and Abby chased eachother around the yard. They were laughing the whole time. It was so much fun to watch.

I just love that we are at the stage where the kids can interact and play with each other. I just can't wait until they learn how to share and to take turns.


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