Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Why you have children

This morning I woke up to Harrison right next to me in bed. He is never in our bed so I was surprised to see him there. Apparently Cliff went down to him when he was calling out for his binky (yes, he is 2 and we haven't broken him of this habit, in fact it is getting worse). Harrison wanted to get up but Cliff still wanted to be in bed so he brought Harrison upstairs to our bed. Harrison was just inches from my face when he touched me and said "that mommy". Of course I woke up to his chilly hands on my face. He then proceeded to be as cute as he can be, just lying down in our bed. Then out of nowhere it happened, the reason you have kids. Harrison rolled over, took my face in both of his hands and said, I quote, "LOVE MOMMY" and then kissed me. I just about melted. I asked Cliff if he heard this just to make sure I wasn't dreaming, and sure enough, he had. If that isn't reason alone to have kids, I don't know what else is.


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