Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The long weekend

On Saturday Harrison and I spend the day together because we wanted to let Cliff rest because he was still sick. I took Harrison to Gymboree and then over to Neiman Marcus to return a sweater. Neiman's is only in downtown MPLS so that is where we went. After we returned the sweater I took Harrison to lunch. I found a food court nearby so we went and had McDonalds. Harrison enjoyed his chicken nuggest but continues to not like fries (YAY!!).

Later that afternoon I went and got some soup and movies for later that night. I knew Cliff would be feeling better and chicken soup would be the best thing. So I rented 40 Year Old Virgin, Wedding Crashers, Must Love Dogs and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I watched Must Love Dogs right way and really liked it. It was very cute. But that night Cliff and I watched 40 Year Old Virgin. We laughed alot.

On Sunday we took Harrison to Eden Prairie Center to play at the indoor playground. He really loved it there. He ran around for 40 minutes straight. It was great. We then had lunch at the mall and ran some errands. I just love that mall. It has everything, the playground is awesome, there is a target, barnes and noble and Old Navy , not to mention all of the other mall stores. It really caters to moms. When we got home and put Harrison down for his nap after successfully preventing him from falling asleep in the car, we watched Wedding Crashers. That was really good also. Very funny. I think it was a good movie for both guys and girls.

Cliff and I both had Monday off. This was the first time ever that I had MLK day off. It was a new holiday for West. So we put Harrison in Day Care and cleaned the house. I also watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I liked it, not as much as the original but it was very entertaining. We also made the first of many donations to good will. We will be back several times in the next few weeks. I am trying to purge everything we don't need.


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