Monday, October 17, 2005

Grandma and Uncle Erik come for dinner

On Thursday we didn't go to swim lessons. Instead, Grandma and Uncle Erik came for dinner. Cliff's mom had a meeting in St. Paul on friday morning so instead of waking up super early and driving from Rochester, she stayed with us. We also invited Erik over for dinner. They both haven't seen Harrison for a while, especially Erik. Harrison just loves Erik. While he was eating dinner, he kept wanting Erik to stay in the kitchen with him while he ate so he kept screaming "Uncle Erik, come here!"

Cliff's mom tried to bring dinner with her. She brought this yummy soup from the city market in Rochester, Tomato Basil soup. We all love it. But as she took it out of the car one of the containers fell and spilled all over the curb. So there wasn't enough for dinner. I had already planned on making Risotto for dinner so I just made that.

We also tried to give Harrison a bath, but for some reason the tub kept leaking water, so he got a sponge bath.

In the morning, Harrison was so excited to see that Grandma was still there.


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