Friday, January 20, 2006

What will Harrison be?

What will Harrison be when he gets older is a game that I think most parents play with their kids. Anytime Harrison shows a prelonged interest in anything I assume that is what he is going to be when he gets older. For example, Harrison has a major obsession with doors. Opening and closing them. It doesn't matter what kind of door it is, a front door, an indoor door, the bathroom door or a cabinet door. He loves opening them and then closing them, slamming them and keeping people out. So it is my conclusion that he will be a door man at a very exclusive hotel.

He also loves playing with water, turning on and off the sink and running his hands under them. He loves the hose. (but surprisingly he dosen't like the bath or the pool). So I think he may work with sprinklers.

He loves singing. He sings all the time. We can't get him to stop sometimes. He main song list includes Wiggles tunes. His favorites being "Lights, Camera, Action Wiggles!". and "Choo Choo Chugga Big Red Car". With American Idol on now, I think he could eventually be an"American Idol". Better yet, they should just have an "American Idol - Toddler" version. He would win hands down!!


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