Monday, January 23, 2006

Play Date with Willie

On Sunday Harrison had a play date with Willie and mommy had a play date with Anne.

Harrison and I made our way all the way out to Chaska to see Willie and Anne. We got a bit lost on our way there but we got there just about 10 minutes late. Not to shabby. I think Harrison thought I was going to leave him there becasue he got all sad but I kept telling him that I was staying and he was just going to play. After a few minutes I think he believed me.

He was very quiet for quite some time after we got there, but he was having a good time. He liked seeing the dogs in their kennels and playing with Willie's train table (not to self - he loves train tables - this is the 2nd one he has played with and he can't keep himself away). We played for about a 1/2 hour and then had lunch. Anne served the boys Hot dogs, green beans and cheese sticks. Harrison actually ate the green beans (I also got some for home and gave it to him for dinner...I couldn't believe it...he usually doesn't like them...). he also ate almost all of his hot dog and cheese stick.

Then the boys had play do time and all Harrison wanted me to do was roll the clay into balls and he would then smell them while Willie had Anne making turtle sculptures.

Then we went up to Willie's room and he had a slide in there. Harrison had a ball going down the slide like a million times. Willie was really good about sharing his toys with Harrison.

All in all it was a great play date and we will defintely make the trip out there again!!


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