Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Happy Valentines Day

At Harrison's day care they had a little Valentines party. I don't think Harrison knows what it was all about except that he got to take home a goody bag. I created valentines for all of his friends there. I had found some Madagascar valentines at the grocery store in January and since Harrison loves Madagascar I thought it would be perfect. I also found some great glassine bags with a heart on them in the $1 spot at Target, so I put some candy in the bags with his valentine message. He came home with alot of goodies but his absolute favorite are the valenine Little Debbies. He really likes snack cakes.

At home that night Harrison and I made rice crispy treats together and was really a joint effort. He pulled his chair up to the counter next to the stove and put the marshmallows in the pot, one at a time, and then stirred them, I don't know how he knew to stir them because he did it before I even told him that was the next step. Then I measured the rice crispies and he dumped them into the pot as well and tried to stir again. He liked making them with me, especially because h had a stash of jelly beans on the counter he got to eat while we were cooking.


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