On Saturday morning we took Harrison for a wagon ride over to our neighborhood park. This is a great park for kids. It is brand new and has play areas for kids of all ages. Harrison just loves it here. There are always other kids to play with and there is sand that he can throw (his new favorite past time). Every time we have come to the playground he likes to climb to the top of the big kid aparatus and go down the slides on Cliff's lap. That is until today. He got up enough nerve to go down the open air cork screw slide all by himself. I don't think that slide is intended for a 21 month old, but my little daredevil didn't care about that. He did it. He was very cautious and held on to the sides, but he did it. He went down about 12 times. Cliff stayed at the top of the slide because there are open areas and we didn't want him investigating those and falling out.
On one particular time, before he began his assent to the top he went over to the playgound phone, the basic equilivant to 2 cups and a string, where you talk into one end and the person at the other end can hear you. Well, as I was saying he went over to it and screamed into it, "HI DADDY!". In fact, Cliff was at the other end of the "phone" and responded to him "Hi, Harrison." Well, needless to say, Harrison loved this and continued to do it for quite a while, having a great conversation with Cliff.
After an hour, we decided we had enough of the playground and headed home.
On Monday morning, I headed back to the playground with Harrison by myself while Cliff stayed home to get some rest. We had a great time and made a new friend, Jake. They played alot and this time Harrison went down both of the big kids slides all by himself. He loved it!. He also tried to play telephone again and went to the end and yelled "HI DADDY". But Cliff wasn't on the other end. It was quite sad to watch, but he tried anyway. We stayed for an hour. We only left because there were no kids left for Harrison to play with so he started getting bored.